Danny Sullivan broke down the figures from IAB on Digital Advertising, Search continues to dominate at 50% of total spend. With all the talk about mobile, desktop continues to maintain its lead.
From the article:
Over on Marketing Land, we have the full-breakdown of the figures: Digital Ad Spend Hits New $49.5 Billion High In 2014; Mobile & Social See Greatest Growth. While channels like social and mobile saw more growth, search remained the biggest spend overall.
I’m still working up some figures on the search growth story. It’s complicated, because the IAB doesn’t release an overall “search” figure. Instead, it releases a desktop search figure that it calls “search,” which for 2014 amounted to $19 billion in spend, or 38% over the overall ad spend. In its ad formats chart, from the IAB’s full report, you can see how mobile search is pulled out of “search” and tucked inside the mobile slice:
Read the charts and full article on Search Engine Land