Domain Holdings posted on their blog today that they finished 2014 with over $30,000,000 in domain sales. Domain Holdings is extremely proud to announce our combined Q4 and Annual 2014 report with our Q4 ending strong with $8,086,642 in total domain name sales. Over the last year our team has proven to be a global […]
Verisign Top 10 Keyword Trends for January
Verisign is starting a monthly blog series on the top 10 keyword trends in .com and .net. With the recent news of Microsoft’s Hololens, the top keyword for January was Holo, followed by block and then glitter on the heels of Verisign explains: We have shown in the past that there is a correlation […]
Behind The Dot – State of The .Au Extension
Aus Registry the organization that oversees the Australian country code, put out their Behind The Dot report, which took a look back at 2014 and conducted a survey of over 3,000 participants. The report looks at a lot of areas from stats and research, to search and the benefits of exact match domains (EMD). There […]
Super Bowl Hero Malcolm Butler domain name gets regged after interception but its a typo
A domain registrant quickly snapped up the name of New England Patriots cornerback on Go Daddy after the game saving interception. Problem being they left out the L. This person is not related to Butler and the whois states this domain for sale. Athlete names run the gamut so we will see how Mr. […]
Microsoft Purchase of sets off regging frenzy – even the new gtlds benefitted
Microsoft acquired the domain name you can read more about that on The domain name changing hands caught the eye of at least one outfit in Malaysia. Hololens.ext names were regged before the announcement by Microsoft on their new product. Modern Outlook the registrant picked up names like,,,, and […]