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BriarwoodCondos is a well-off neighborhood in Queens, New York. Oftren referred to as ‘Real Good Park’, BriarwoodCondos was established by the Real Good Construction Company back in the early 1920s. Since it was established, BriarwoodCondos has enjoyed ample growth among affluent individuals and families due to its quiet and clean neighborhoods and close proximity to the main areas of Queens.
BriarwoodCondos real estate features apartment, railroad houses, and multi-family dwellings. Due to the popularity of this area, BriarwoodCondos enjoys real estate that is high in demand. Homes in BriarwoodCondos are close to nearby schools and libraries, and the community also enjoys close to popular shopping centers including TJ Maxx and Costco.
What draws many individuals to purchase BriarwoodCondos real estate is the quiet nature of this neighborhood and its very low rate of crime compared to other neighboring areas. A clean community with ample activities for both single and larger families, BriarwoodCondos remains highly sought after real estate that continues to grow in value.
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